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No country on earth boasts a longer recorded history than does Egypt, the Eternal "Gift of the Nile" as described by the Historian Herodotus. A statement as true today as it has been through the fifty centuries of Egypt's extraordinary history.

One of the largest countries in the world, Egypt is a country of myths and mysteries, the cradle of ancient civilization with some of the most awesome monuments to be seen in the world.

With a history spanning a period of over 6000 years, Egypt's rich and splendid culture retains an indisputable place in the history books and holds a very special appeal for the discerning visitors. Egypt bears incredible legacies amazing past civilizations.

Known as the "Mother of the world” Egypt has a reason for such a name for it engages, stimulates, soothes and fascinates simultaneously.

Egypt, land of ancient civilization and of the promising bright future, invites you to one of the most enjoyable trips of your life. You may enjoy a trip to Egypt; a trip stimulating to the mind and pleasing to the heart, amidst immortal monuments and places dating to two important civilizations in Egypt : the Christian and Islamic civilizations.

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